Calf slicer is nice, but don’t forget the other leg locks entries you might already recognize which are actually easy to learn from top turtle and very effective. The whole subject of leg locks from top turtle isn’t really tackled in BJJ because it is not as compatible with BJJ scoring system/philosophy. Sport Sambo is the grappling art that you should look to IMO. While modern BJJ Top Turtle Aholic shirt players are overall much better at leg locks, Sambists are traditionally better at leg locks from unorthodox positions and straight ankle locks. Sambo values throwing a lot more nowadays, but this information is still taught and readily available.
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Calf slicer from the truck, crucifix (jam your knee in and dig for arm/head grips/transition to RNC if you are no-gi), and collapsing into side control are a nice trinity to work off the turtle. A straight calf slicer truck entry can be difficult if they expect it so you use that to slide your knee in between their knee and elbow and start digging for kimura or seat belt grips to set up for the crucifix and at any time you can try to flip them over into side control by pulling on an arm or scooping a Top Turtle Aholic shirt leg and pushing them over. I know it’s only one leg lock but I find you have to attack their neck and disrupt their base to make them forget about the calf slicer (it’s popular at my gym).
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When I attack from the top turtle, my toes are generally slightly pointed (basically, my feet are parallel with my opponent’s shins), which means if the bottom person flattens out my feet just lay flat on the ground. They are trapped but the person is flat, which is a great attacking position for me – there is absolutely no pain in my knees or ankles from this position. I assume you are keeping your toes in a more ‘neutral’ position – perpendicular to your own shins. If this is the case, you should be Top Turtle Aholic shirt able to point them quickly in case your opponent flattens out.
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