Sigurd built a stronghold in the Moray area of Scotland to project power, but the Norse were not popular that deep into Scottish land. So a local leader, Maelbrigd, became a thorn in Sigurd’s side. Sigurd sought to end his struggles with Maelbrigd once and for all. The men agreed to meet in honorable combat with 40 men each. But Sigurd didn’t trust Maelbrigd to fight honorably, so he did that classic thing where he cheated first. He brought 40 horses, but he put two men on each horse. Maelbrigd, on the Top Premium No Hour Of Life Is Wasted That Is Spent In The Saddle Shirt another hand, did fight honorably.
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The 80 men of Sigurd’s force won (surprise, surprise). And Sigurd told them to strap the heads of their enemies to the horses to celebrate. Sigurd, of course, strapped Maelbrigd’s head to his own horse. But Sigurd had a sore on his leg. And Maelbrigd’s teeth rubbed against that sore and infected it. Hold up, this isn’t what the title says. So the severed head didn’t cut his leg and there’s no way of knowing if the mouth bacteria from that severed head is the bacteria that ultimately killed him. Yeah, it definitely sounds to me like he was already infected before the whole Maelbrigd affair even started. Was this theory created at the time or is it a recent story ‘historians’ have come up with? Seems like the Top Premium No Hour Of Life Is Wasted That Is Spent In The Saddle Shirt kind of thing they wouldn’t have really thought about back then.
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