It frankly is way too frequent, and you are gradually hurting yourself more. You should try to reduce it to once a day for now. Let’s gather around the campfire and sing our campfire song. Our C A M P F I R E S O N G Song. And if you don’t think we can sing it faster, then you’re wrong, but it’d help if you just sing along. I actually got them directly from the game’s files using a program called “model.” It’s actually a pretty easy process. How the fuck does a guy do when someone repeatedly being punched in the face and possibly bleeding just go up and ignore a guy that literally punched you in the face, how the fuck do you ignore that, like a teleport to Skyrim get a fucking gun fucking shoot the guy how the hell does I ignore someone punching me in the face and you would say “then tell the teacher” you are literally gone to Top Gotta Pass The Pills To Pay The Bills Shirt class and not paying attention to self-defense and calling the bully “he wiLl leArN fRoM that” and I get to be the blame.
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This has relatively little to do with teachers and a lot more to do with American culture. A school’s code of conduct, responses to bullying, conflict resolution policies, etc are largely determined by administrators whose main objective is not getting the school sued and who likely spend very little time around kids. In a healthier culture, schools would trust parents to work with them in avoiding and resolving conflicts, and parents would trust schools to treat their kids fairly and defer to their expertise. It’s only when schools and parents are in conflict themselves that dealing with children’s issues become a problem. If someone tries to rob you, just say no! The robber cannot legally take Top Gotta Pass The Pills To Pay The Bills Shirt your possessions without your consent.
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My brother was on the bus at our old school and he sat In a seat and then this kid came up to him and made him get up because it was “his seat” and when he didn’t the kid bashed his head against the window and his ear was bleeding. I went up to the bus driver to who happened to be my uncle, I asked him for a bandage bc my brother’s ear was gushing blood and all he did was threw some paper towels at me and then told me to sit down. The Top Gotta Pass The Pills To Pay The Bills Shirt paper towels were also the really bad ones that all schools have the brown ones. The school was a bad place in general. My brother decked him in the face but he is a noodle so it didn’t do much but they both got in-school suspension got.
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