When you have a supposed leader spreading lies, encouraging the wrong behavior, putting money Top Fabulous 60 Since 1961 Shirt above lives, and people who take doing the right thing as an affront to their personal liberty and freedom that’s how we got here. The virus is an issue but we didn’t have to lose our like that if the right things were in Top Fabulous 60 Since 1961 Shirt place to get us through this. An ignorant fool is thwarting any effective efforts to counter the disease. Four percent of the population yet twenty percent of COVID cases. Unforgivable. Vote these out! I have yet to see any actual evidence that China intentionally covered up the virus.
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If you look at their covid timeline, they’ve actually handled it exceptionally well. Yes, they took a Top Fabulous 60 Since 1961 Shirts a few days to alert the who. But they needed time to figure out what kind of virus they Trump Won 4th Of July American Flag Shirt were dealing with. The common “silenced whistle-blower” narrative is also completely false. If you could read Chinese you would know that the doctor in question shared unreliable information in a group chat before the authorities were 100% certain about the nature of the virus. This could have caused mass panic and chaos had the doctor been wrong. Also, the doctor wasn’t even jailed, he was simply made to sign an agreement saying he wouldn’t do it again, and then was allowed to return straight to work!
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