I love the image but am not sure about her facial expression, it feels a little bit cold and it’s not just the weather. I really hope they will get well together but honestly? It took Russel almost a year and both the killing and the food situation before they took him as their own. But I still hold hope. Keep in mind Russel was a complete, literal alien. And unknown quantity… and beat the living snot out of some of the strongest fighters in the village, then proved to Top A Woman Cannot Survive On Books Alone She Also Need Yarn A Llot Of Yarn Shirt them that while capable of inflicting mass carnage and displaying extreme feats of strength that he’s not a threat to them, and in fact is actively making the lives of everyone around him better!
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The village has had no indication that other humans aren’t as strong, skilled, and caring as he is. and Alice and Lachlan have mostly proven that this group of humans isn’t a direct threat and are in fact as interested in helping the village as Russel. Everyone here is in uncharted territory, and while Antoth is getting quite peeved at the apparently one-sided nature of the alliance so far, he’s yet to understand that for the Top A Woman Cannot Survive On Books Alone She Also Need Yarn A Llot Of Yarn Shirt Humans to REALLY help, they need to understand as much about his people as they possibly can. Only then will the floodgates open and he gets to see what a group of humans can really accomplish.
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The Cautions are rightly skeptical, but feeling out the Humans as they come, Lachlan has accrued the trust of Asha, and by extension more Cauthen in very short order… even more so than Alice, who’s child-like wonder and energy is hindering her in that regard in my opinion. And the Humans know that at any moment, Antoth can kick anyone, or all of them out of the village, so they’re treading lightly. He likely won’t, but he Top A Woman Cannot Survive On Books Alone She Also Need Yarn A Llot Of Yarn Shirt has the right to do it. And as for the speed in which the story is progressing, the above points become amplified for the sake of story-telling, or would you rather wait 6 months irl time for each new character to be accepted into the village as they go on their own quests to gain trust the way Russel did?
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