No hard line criteria on Proud Member Of The Cocktail Party 2020 Shirt clearances. Think of Elon Musk. He’s required to have a clearance so you cannot put a number on it. So you can’t have a mortgage, student loan, or car note? Come on. Well, the founding fathers told us who was and wasn’t allowed to vote. So we didn’t exactly start off on a great foot in that regard. You’re right there! But that’s about us. I’m concerned what Barr would do if you put him in charge of deciding who gets to run against his Pres. That’s some Russia-level stuff, right there. I’m guessing a pickup truck with a long bed or extended cab and locking front hubs for 4WD. Bonus points if it’s a dually. Then maybe it should be part of the primary process.
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Hmm, are there national laws for Proud Member Of The Cocktail Party 2020 Shirt primaries? I thought that was all private party stuff meaning, the party is an entity that can choose candidates how they like. Now, state laws could be interesting, although I have to say my AG here in Texas is a stone-cold asshat so I’m not sure things would necessarily clean up just because we added rules at the state level. They too could just disqualify anyone, not of their party on made-up stuff. There should be federal laws that each party’s primary candidates need to be able to obtain the required security clearance in order to run for president.
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