To not vote is Premium Ho Ho Ho Shirt to tacitly endorse the status quo. If you want reform, support ranked-choice, or approval voting. But since neither of those will be implemented in the next 30 days. These are the choices we have. To me, one candidate actively inciting violence and threatening democracy itself is a deal-breaker. Apparently, it isn’t for you. You’d rather endorse the status quo, and the status quo today is Trump. There are about 330 million people I can vote for to be President. Please tell me how these are the only options. Ranked-choice and approval overcome this problem.
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And would Premium Ho Ho Ho Shirts allow a real multiparty system. But as I said, election reform isn’t gonna happen within 30 days. So this is how it is. Oh yeah. We should kick the guy. Who murdered 200000 Americans out for the guy. Who was the architect of modern for-profit prisons? Which have destroyed the black community. Sounds like that’s a good thing. And not just a slightly less bad thing. Thanks for the stupidest thing I read this week. F this noise. Some like Biden seem to care. Some who refer to science. And defer to healthcare experts, seem far smarter than our current clique. Some seem normal.
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