Yea my roommates got Premium Hello America 2021 Santa Claus Merry Christmas Usa Flag Shirt me a car bed for Christmas. That’s nice. “I live with a single mom. Unfortunately, her kid is a total dick.” I prefer dying in the streets. Say Hi to the Fallwells for us? Well, I’m not going to live in some stranger’s basement. Thanks for the awards! I might be able to upgrade to the attic now. I once lived in a basement owned by some slumlord in NYC for 1350$ a month in an apartment with 3 other dudes. Looking back, the parent’s basement wouldn’t have been so bad. come on some strangers’ basements are quite cozy and come with free lotion for your skin.
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I live in a stranger’s Premium Hello America 2021 Santa Claus Merry Christmas Usa Flag Shirts basement and it works just fine. I just hope they don’t find out. My dungeon troll doesn’t complain at all. Hey man, it’s not too bad down here! Smells a little funny and the rats like hugs but, it’s okay. When I turned 18 my ultra-conservative parents literally kicked me out and I had to live in my car three months before I could afford the apartment. They also refused to sign any of my college financial aid forms because the government didn’t need their information. After all, I was an adult so I had to put off college until I was 25 and didn’t need their information for subsidized loans.
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I received lots of compliments, it’s now one of my favorite Christmas shirts.