Great book. I should Premium Hajime No Ippo Takamura Shirt have known that real-life politics was wacky enough for it to be plausible. Europe should’ve used their ruler-and-rectangle borders on their own countries. Not just Belgium, Used to work for a Dutch company, one of the guys there had served some time in prison in Germany for smuggling weed. IIRC his house is on the Dutch/German border with the garden in one country, the house in the other. So he was arrested for bringing it into Germany through his house. Isn’t there one place with three layers of nesting national territory? Maybe I’m an under-educated simpleton but this strikes me as incredibly stupid.
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The sovereign Premium Hajime No Ippo Takamura Shirts territory is a national issue. You’d need both governments actively involved at the ministerial level. Good luck with that. Bonus points for the inevitable NIMBY’s showing up if you ever get that far. You’ll have concerned citizens claiming that the border bukkake has historical value. And should be left as is. There’s a long, long history of battles and disputes forming these borders. And then once you’ve lived somewhere your whole life. You won’t suddenly want someone telling you which country you’re in. Imagine living in Chicago. And suddenly being told you’re part of Indiana now. You’d lose.
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