I remember seeing you in pubs and being like why is this guy is competitive then I played you later and I kind of stilled wondered that but to a far lesser extent <3, you’re doing pretty good in majors and if Abe didn’t stop you from capping you might even be in the top 3 in caps. We all know carrying legman is a tough job. You ever read those posts, that make you realize your right before the situation happens, but you chose differently? Like, you know your time might be Official Wiener Rides 25c shirt near but you just pretend there is no ledge even though a wall’s pushing you toward it? (This has nothing to do with you, but it’s just a recurring theme for me).
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I’ll miss all of you :( didn’t get to talk to poppa or me a lot (even though I basically taught me defense on monarch), but all of you seemed like great guys. I’ll miss spider skiff and papa Jahn and have bad :( even though most of you are leaving I still think of you as annoying little brothers (especially Have mad and caramel- you know what you did). If ur ever in Boston feel free to stop by and I’ll get you one of those lottery tickets (no telling mom though). As I stand next to the car filled to the Official Wiener Rides 25c shirt brim with my various trinkets and knickknacks necessary to endure life approximately 5 hours south of where my life has been stationed for the entirety of my 18 years of life.
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The summer after that school year, being a child below driving age without too many commitments, I ended up with some lulls during the day. And by lulls, I mean periods in which I had absolutely nothing else to do whatsoever. And by some, I mean the majority of the day. So with all this free time, I felt that surely I could be “productive” or do something that I could share with my parents. Instead, that summer was mainly filled by watching reruns of Seinfeld, as well as all of Arrested Development, House, and Parks and Recreation. Yet alongside these scholarly pursuits, acutely observing and studying the minutiae of American television production, at Official Wiener Rides 25c shirt times my hands and mind would become restless, and I would have an urge to do something interactive.
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