I concur. The couple of photos I saw looked peri-oral dermatitis or something. I’m wondering how in the world these particular folks, having reactions so far from their lips, are 100% sure the cause is a lip balm. The first photo I saw just looked like a girl with some cheek acne, and I kept looking at the photo, thinking, “Her lips look completely normal – what am I missing here?”It seems to me Official Vintage Why Dont You Knock It Off With Them Negative Waves Shirt that in these cases of facial skin (not lip) eruptions, people could just as easily have handled an allergen or irritant and then touched their faces, or eaten something they’re allergic to. I suppose balm could get transferred to the surrounding skin, but I do wonder what percentage of respondents have reactions actually on their lips.
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There isn’t all that much variation in human immune systems when it comes to resisting fungal infection other than immunocompromised people. It’s part of the reason why the number of fungi that infect people is so small. I’m not sure what you’re saying wouldn’t be severe enough to trigger an adaptive response. Since these cases are only scattered and recent, a low evolutionary drive of any sort wouldn’t really play an Official Vintage Why Dont You Knock It Off With Them Negative Waves Shirt part in an outbreak, as fungi generally don’t have the same capacity for rapid gene uptake like bacteria do. In any case, eos has already said they have tested batches for contamination. If it were biological contamination, the product batches would have been pulled long ago so the company could cover their asses.
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Well, I must admit I’m not very sanitary like that. I don’t have EOS but my chapstick lid gets filled with gross shit all the time. I usually just wipe it off with my finger and apply. I don’t like to wipe it clean with tissue or anything. No problems for me. My assumption is that because EOS has Official Vintage Why Dont You Knock It Off With Them Negative Waves Shirt so many natural ingredients is that the chance of being allergic is higher. Aveda hair products have the same issue. Again, this is just my totally unfounded, unedited assumption.
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