I enjoyed UH very much. I came to UH alone (the family wasn’t there – different state-supported myself) and was very depressed the first week at university. The question was “how am I going to be able to do this alone?”. The orientation I saw tons of incoming freshmen with their families and friends and then there I was, alone. I was at a low point and didn’t qualify for any kind of grants (due to fam not willing to provide tax returns). Loans became difficult to apply for due to Official Softball Baseball Car shirt this as well. I was working 35-40 hours a week and taking 4-5 classes each semester. I drove my work truck to class so I could head to work after class ended.
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Then I met my first friend. Socializing turned the experience around tremendously. The many friends I met in UH (including the instructors) I still talk to today. These are the memories you will remember fondly years later (especially the 5 friend all-nighters in the UH Art building and sleeping in our cars Official Softball Baseball Car shirt between hardcore study sessions). Things started getting better and I was given opportunities I never thought I could imagine. I graduated a year later than I thought (changed majors – it happens!) and I wouldn’t trade the experience (even the bad/sad times) for anything.
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TLDR: Socialize! Don’t worry about failing a class or changing majors, it happens! Even if you’re a commuter Coog, utilize everything UH has to offer! You’re paying for it, and have fun! College changes people, and I feel like I really grew as a person after graduating from UH. Man, I am so very glad I’m out of school during this stressful time. I’ve had students who’re parents lost their job, they’re forced to work, have no access to the Internet and have no Official Softball Baseball Car shirt money so they can’t buy the resources they need to continue schooling. It’s a difficult time to be a student. I just thank God that many of you are alive and well. I love UH. Go Coogs!
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