Not to discredit you, but the Official Qb1 Miami Football Shirt is mind-blowingly depressing. Paying our fair share of taxes is our patriotic duty. Amen. Thank you for not being greedy. Literally, all of America’s problems stem from greed. Thank godman. I’ve said for a while that the only people. Who should actually vote for Trump? Republicans are the ultra-rich. But even then they shouldn’t vote for him because their life will be good either way and the country will be much better off under liberal control. The other reasons to vote Republican include total ignorance, racism, single-issue voting like abortion doesn’t make sense but whatever. And that’s about it.
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I don’t understand how a significant percentage of our Official Qb1 Miami Football Shirt. I probably don’t make as much as you, but I a single dude do make more than the average married couple. I’m a single parent, but my ex claims our kid on her tax returns every year. I’m more than happy to pay some extra taxes every week if that means that my baby and other children get to grow up in a better world. I’m not really a socialist, but Bernie had a damn good point during the Democratic caucus this year. America is a socialist country, but all the benefit is going to billion-dollar corporations rather than people who actually need it.
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