Also 28 and Nice You Laugh I Laugh You Cry I Cry You Offend My Chicago Bears Baby Yoda I Kill You Shirt never had a reason to move out. Work was always close by and I pay my own bills. What’s the point? You still have the unemployment though right? Yeah just goes to show how broken us is. 4 more months to go. I wish u the best of luck. Love ur mom and ur girl. Her happiness will wear thin sooner than later. I am 28 years old and haven’t lived with my mom in a decade. I got laid off in May. Serious question, you have no 401k? No savings? No Investments? Are you the kind of person that spends their entire paycheck? Do you mean 78% of the country that lives paycheck to paycheck?
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These people live Nice You Laugh I Laugh You Cry I Cry You Offend My Chicago Bears Baby Yoda I Kill You Shirts in luxury with new cars, flashy phones, and spend money on entertainment. Spend their money on beer, gambling, etc. Daycare is expensive, I get it in some cases. At some point do we not realize people don’t take care of themselves. OP said they have savings but they’re burning through it. With a 401k and investments, they may not want to cash those out to keep them for when the economy rebounds. I had plans to cash out my 401k or whatever if need be. Unemployment was good for a minute. If we can’t afford our house, it’s time to move somewhere else.
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