Absolutely. Both genders can play at this game. I can say I’ve had things said to me that I found inappropriate by men. But I’ve also witnessed a female or two obviously go after men who were committed to their wives/girlfriends. Which wouldn’t be even that bad but when this one guy rejected her she started a vendetta against him. Oh blimey, we haven’t had Jez, the myth, the Nice Peace Love Skunks Shirt legend, the Avenger of Women (great name!) for many years now. None of her photos were taken digitally, and the old albums are in the loft.
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One of my current cats is her absolute double in terms of looks, but the only thing she’d avenge… well, there’s nothing she’d avenge! She’s a real scaredy-cat, this incarnation. If I can’t easily find a pic of Jez, would Minx do? In this one, she’s just wanting all the attention. I managed to snap it as she was rubbing her face all over the phone, my hands, me, etc. After I took it, she had Nice Peace Love Skunks Shirt some cuddles and snuggled down on my lap. Then I coughed lightly, and before I could blink she was off my lap, up the stairs, and behind my bed. And I’m not even kidding. Zoom.
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