What I find particularly interesting is know that for a long time, people were theorizing that GarnetXPearl’s fusion would be a direct foil to Sugilite. e.g. Where Sugilite was overemotional and angry, she’d be cold and distant. But then, this makes so Nice Peace Love Cactus Diamond shirt much sense. You have Pearl’s love for the over-dramatic and showmanship, and Garnet’s intensity (combined with her nature as a loving, stable fusion), so you get… the lovely Sardonyx! I thought Amethyst handled the whole situation in a very mature way. She was upset that Garnet didn’t want to fuse with her and seemed a little jealous of Pearl, but she still stuck up for Pearl at the end of Cry for Help.
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I don’t know if taking sides was really the best move, but it may have at least prevented a physical confrontation. If Garnet wasn’t as self-assured as she is, she might’ve felt like she was being ganged up on by Pearl and Amethyst, and, as it is, Garnet’s probably temporarily lost some trust in Amethyst, too. It all seemed to work out, anyway, and Amethyst handled it better than I would have predicted. Steven getting caught up in the whole mess was Nice Peace Love Cactus Diamond shirt unfortunate, but I think he handled it well, too. Once Ruby and Sapphire reassured him that it wasn’t his fault, he mostly kept to himself, did his own thing, and, unlike Amethyst, didn’t try to interfere or take sides. That was the right call, I think.
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Hopefully, my opinions here aren’t too wildly unpopular, haha. In cases like these, the fandom as a Nice Peace Love Cactus Diamond shirt collective tends to support one character over another, rather than treating the situation as the complicated, multifaceted issue that it is. I do “side” more with Garnet in this case, but I could be prejudice because I fucking love Garnet. I’m sure you guys have a lot to say about these episodes… what do you think? I’m really pleased that, in Historical Friction, Pearl was involved in Steven’s play and really tried to make sure he had a good time, even though she was going through her own shit at the time. In that respect, she handled the situation better than Garnet.
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