Please read our Commandments and FAQ before commenting. If you follow the rules and act civilly we can avoid a lot of bans. While everyone is welcome here, this sub is intended for atheists to discuss things of interest to us. This means that a wide variety of subjects are on-topic here. This is not a sub about just atheism. “Everything that I’ve heard of Q, I hope that this is real because it only means America is getting stronger and better, and people are returning to conservative values, and that’s what I am for,” she said. “And so everything that I have heard of this movement is only Nice Judy Thing You Wouldn’t Understand Shirt motivating and encouraging and bringing people together stronger, and if this is real, then it could be really great for our country.”
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Me too. “That’s great, but how are we going to pay for it?” was my “conservative” stance. Religion, especially the phony Christian Right, could go fuck themselves repeatedly with an iron bar… Anyone who is dumb enough to get married is fine with me, We sure could save a ton if we stopped bombing brown people, and probably the most fiscally conservative thing we could do is make universal single-payer healthcare a thing… imagine all the small businesses that could be started and jobs that could be created if people weren’t shackled to their employer and whatever benefit they deigned to trickle out reluctantly? I guess that is why I am no longer a Nice Judy Thing You Wouldn’t Understand Shirt Republican. I am probably more a horrible centrist on most things with a flair for policy and regulations relying on empirical evidence not “feelings”.
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That’s a big problem. If you are team red, most team blue leaders are pretty damn terrible. If you are team blue, most team red leaders are pretty damn terrible. It’s not hard to find bad leaders. Clinton certainly isn’t great, neither of them. Which is why this “the lesser evil two-party state” system won’t produce great leaders and progress. Almost all politicians I haven’t felt were full of shit in the US have been on the actual left. You know, the red left. Yep, I was a Republican because I took their arguments in good faith. However, just studying the reality of what they said versus what their policies actually did a couple with studying politics showed me that they are just Nice Judy Thing You Wouldn’t Understand Shirt make bad faith arguments at best and advocate for horrible things at the worst.
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