The argument is driven by emotion, but you can’t really say you don’t like the idea of abortion because “I don’t know why, I just don’t, okay?! It makes me feel bad. There. Happy?” (which is what Red actually wants to say). So, when someone’s reached a decision based on emotion, they’ll retrofit a logic-based reason which they pretend is the real reason for their belief. The reasoning is usually rather poor because it was never true. But if you find a logical reason to dismiss it, they’ll just move the goalposts with another invented reason. Over and over again, until everyone involved is sick of it. That’s why people are still defending Trump. That’s why there are still anti-vaxxers, despite the fact that Nice I Love Eating Classic Get Down Power Up Shirt Wakefield was struck off over ten years ago. That’s why people are demanding their “right” to go to Disneyland and not wear a mask.
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I was pro-choice before I had my baby. Since having her I’ve lost my appendix, had multiple pelvic organ prolapses, vaginal vault collapse, the works. I’m just now recovering from a hysterectomy and the reconstruction/repair from all that. I’m 31. I love my baby, but nothing in this world made me more pro-choice than giving birth. I know I had a rougher go of it than most, but holy fuck do people that pretend pregnancy isn’t a Nice I Love Eating Classic Get Down Power Up Shirt big deal and you can always GiVe ThEm Up FoR AdOpTiOn piss me off. When I say my body will never be the same I’m not talking about stretch marks Karen. Absolutely. Even a relatively easy pregnancy and birth is such a metal thing to put your body through!
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As someone who had a relatively easy pregnancy and smooth labor, I would not wish pregnancy on my worst enemy if they didn’t want it. My pregnancy was planned and I love my daughter. I had no complications and no major health concerns during the pregnancy. My labor was quick compared to some first-time moms, I didn’t need to be induced or any help getting dilated enough. I didn’t require stitches after and I healed perfectly. It still ducked and I still believe that a woman has the right to decide what happens to her body. ep, same here. Easy planned pregnancy and labor with no complications. I was sure giving birth wouldn’t be such big of a deal for me since I’m so Nice I Love Eating Classic Get Down Power Up Shirt young, fit and healthy. Well, guess who’s not so fit and healthy now lol.
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