I got to shoot a guy with a Luger one time (I was a nazi spy – you always play bad guys when you’re 6’3 300lbs and have a squinty eye, but I like playing villains) and it Nice I Got Your 6 America Shirt looked like I blasted this dude right in the back of the head. In reality, I was pointing about 4 ft upstage of him. If anyone wondering what upstage means, it’s towards the back of the stage. Stage floors used to slope downwards towards the audience at one time. So the area of the stage at the peak of the slope was up and the area towards the edge of the stage was down. Thus upstage and downstage. ‘
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I doubt he actually feels threatened at all. What he feels, and all of these overreacting cops feel, is enraged that the masses dare to Nice I Got Your 6 America Shirt to question their authority. All of them view the public that they’re supposed to be protecting as beneath them, to be subjugated. Many cops become cops because it’s the only path to gaining any actual authority for them, and when that authority is questioned by the people they view themselves to have risen above, they lose their fucking minds. I don’t know about forced perspective… That shotgun may very well have been aimed directly at her. There is obviously a time difference between these two pictures because her mask is on and one and off in the other. Plenty of time to point it at more people.
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