To paraphrase the words of John F. Kennedy, “We choose [these challenges] not because they are easy, but because they are hard because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win…” Good for you. Also really good for you to be able to go through a global pandemic in early recovery. This had to be a bit difficult for you. Keep it Nice How does a chemist make guacamole using avogadros constant shirt up you’re doing great. Today is 100 days for me, too!! We got this!
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Thank you!! I definitely feel more in tune with my emotions and generally more energetic (though, quarantine definitely has got me in a bit of a sluggish state). I’ve been more motivated to be proactive with my work and my health, which has been awesome! You see, John, I give Khan extra liberties for cranking that shaft, as you may already know. However, you’re probably wondering what that crank does. It’s simple, really. The state wants us to go green so we’re starting by Nice How does a chemist make guacamole using avogadros constant shirt producing our own green energy. Khan is the first step to achieving that goal.
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I was locked up in a prison cell with a hand-cranked generator for if you wanted the lights, the television or the laptop to work. My cellmate was a big beefy guy who had the strange affliction of talking feet. His right foot said to me that he’d kick my ass in if I didn’t crank the handle. So I did every day for a week. Then my cellmate asked “Why do you always crank the generator – shouldn’t I do it sometimes?” I told him what his foot had said, and he just laughed – “Don’t believe that liar!”. I’m still Nice How does a chemist make guacamole using avogadros constant shirt not sure, though, so I go on cranking.
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