He’s president. Not Nice Happy Joe Biden United States Of America 46 Shirt a king. While I’m all for canceling debt and public healthcare as mentioned in this thread, Biden needs to work within the system. I’m all for undoing the awful work of the last four years, but I’d rather see the system work as intended with Congress passing bills into law and the president signing them. That is the way forward, not a ping pong of executives orders each time a member of the opposite party takes office. Now I make, combined with my wife, just right above the 125 mark. Her income now adds to mine but she also has her own loans.
Nice Happy Joe Biden United States Of America 46 Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt, And Hoodie

Now what, I’m Nice Happy Joe Biden United States Of America 46 Shirt still on the hook for my loans while others get a free ride without any additional basis of merit for what their education brings to the market, or what they even accomplished in school? Not all college degrees even create marketable job opportunities. I’ll get downvoted for this because people will assume that I’m selfish, but I’m worried these policies will backfire greatly and result in a whiplash of opposition support. I do not want the GOP to gain any ground again. I would much rather support a program that offers zero tuition for degree/training plans that relate to fields with market needs, combined with a loan forgiveness program for those same types of fields.
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