Yeah, OC is just gonna eat Nice Goat Goats Make Me Happy You Not So Much Shirt air, right? Thanks, I’m cured. Well, I wasn’t sure what to say, but I didn’t want OP to despair. These are tough times and we all have a different story. Take care. No one offered a cure. Just well wishes. Stop saddling them with that. I want other Americans to understand this. There are no social safety nets for people in this country. When someone says we need to lock down for a few weeks what I hear is I don’t care if you won’t have a way to earn money or have any food. At this time, this country is not set up to do any lockdowns.
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The people do not have Nice Goat Goats Make Me Happy You Not So Much Shirts the support they need. I’m struggling now and there is no help. Yet people on this sub call me selfish and evil because I want to go back to work. I don’t have a choice. It is either go back to work or doesn’t have food. They wonder why people can’t just stay home and put their lives on hold, while they have a nice family and comfy job. If people had behaved like adults after lockdowns though, or if certain countries had even had a lockdown, we would all be in a much better position now though to engage in some normal social behaviors.
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