I love the joke but these planes don’t have a cruising speed (lol?) altitude of 30,000+ feet where it’s almost cold enough to liquefy gases so unless the pilot is a massive asshole with morbid humor and a freezer full of frozen shit this won’t happen. But maybe a group of hikers gets a nice shockwave of shit spray they Nice Cow Aquacow Shirt barely notice, a shortwave. Little birdy flying high drops a message from the sky, oh said the farmer wiping his eye, isn’t it lucky cows can’t fl….wait wtf is that. I mean if you work with cattle for any significant amount of time, cow shit doesn’t really bother you. It’s very organic and plant-like in scent. Your nose becomes numb after a few hours of being in the ranch. The waft of farm smell lingers on your clothes and if you drive into the city other people can smell the musk.
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Not formally. That usage came from people misusing it and dictionaries just gave in and listed it as an informal American usage. Apparently people are incapable of “non” anything not being a lack of something. I worked with a dude who used to be a Warrant Officer in the Army flying Chinooks. Most humble dude ever. He said he spent a lot of time moving villages. They had one villager that wouldn’t leave his water buffalo behind. Apparently they are extremely prized animals. They had the Nice Cow Aquacow Shirt water buffalo position like the cow in this gif because the back door was semi-open. When they were a couple of thousand feet high, the buffalo got spooked and turned around and saw the light in the back ramp and just booked it.
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Fucked some shit up and jumped out of the helicopter. His co-workers told him it looked like it was still running while falling and turning. Now for balance. Left and right movement aren’t really dangerous in a small piston single. It would take very large weight shifts for it to be a problem But a Nice Cow Aquacow Shirt lack of attention to the fore and aft center of gravity can be. It’s not the movement, but the weight distribution on take-off and landing. Too much weight in the back or front can cause severe control issues. there are charts and even computer programs to assure that your CG is inside the envelope. Must have been absolutely terrifying for the water buffalo but I always see it in the point of view of someone on the ground, minding their own business, and all of a sudden a damn water buffalo splats in front of them.
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