The reason these definitions exist is simply that the Nice Busy Doing Nothing Folivora Lady Day Shirt human brain makes these adjustments on its own. The human brain puts the emphasis where it needs to be and takes it away from where it doesn’t. “It is what it is” has a lot of emphasis on the “is,” while “Where is x” seems to strain to pronounce the “is” because it’s not fully necessary. Because of this behavior and the varying use of the word “is,” we now have to create strong forms and weak forms. The less complicated thing to do would be to create separate words.
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What you are saying is has two nouns in a row. So it’s like saying: Tennessee Ted… Which makes no Nice Busy Doing Nothing Folivora Lady Day Shirt sense. Then you have buffalo lower case 3 times in a row? One of those could presumably refer to buffaloes, then the other could be the verb… What is the 3rd under case buffalo? I still think you have it wrong here though. It should be just 5 buffalos. Buffalo (meaning buffaloes from Buffalo) buffalo (meaning bully) Buffalo buffalo (meaning more buffaloes from Buffalo). They are so big that they don’t give many fucks.
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