We start with a reminder that he is now separated from his pack, never to be reunited with them, though we should recall that his sister Nymeria is close. The call of the pack is strong, though, as Bran feels it through Summer; they want to be reunited with their brothers. The bond is interesting, and I wonder if they can hear the silent Ghost in their mind through their direct wolf-to-wolf bond. Bran seems to feel it viscerally and wants to fight like a wolf alongside Grey Wind! Well, as it turns out, he gets his chance to Nice Black Cat Personal Cat Servant Shirt fight like a wolf many times later. The Karstark debacle certainly is a harbinger of death and ruin. Grey Wind is not even mentioned in the chapter where Lord Rickard is executed. Still, there is some hope, because in the following chapter.
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Grey Wind is again at Robb’s side. He seems a bit suspicious of Jeyne, but when she leaves, he’s satisfied and scout’s ahead for danger. Their bond seems to be re-established as in AGoT. Grey Wind and Robb are affectionate and they are mirroring each other’s emotions again. Robb’s leadership also seems to Nice Black Cat Personal Cat Servant Shirt be in full effect. Of the six Westerlings who had come with her son from the Crag, only one remained by his side; Ser Raynald, Jeyne’s brother, the royal banner-bearer. Robb had dispatched Jeyne’s uncle Rolph Spicer to deliver young Martyn Lannister to the Golden Tooth the very day he received Lord Tywin’s assent to the exchange of captives. It was deftly done.
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Her son was relieved of his fear for Martyn’s safety, Galbart Glover was relieved to hear that his brother Robert had been put on a ship at Duskendale, Ser Rolph had important and honorable employment. You are no Stark, he could hear them mutter, in heavy granite voices. There is no place for you here. Go away. He walked deeper into the darkness. “Father?” he called. “Bran? Rickon?” No one answered. A chill wind was blowing on his neck. “Uncle?” he called. “Uncle Benjen? Father? Please, Father, help me.” Up above he heard drums. They are feasting in the Great Hall, but I am not welcome there. I am no Nice Black Cat Personal Cat Servant Shirt Stark, and this is not my place. His crutch slipped and he fell to his knees. The crypts were growing darker.
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