Aww yeah. I’m about to go on vacation back home for three weeks and I know imma miss the hell out of Bella because she’s been such a big part of my life since I got her due to her wanting to do everything with me. And this will be the longest I’ve gone without her so I feel like I’ll end up being the clingy one (I and her are both equally clingy towards each other) and I’ll ask my friend to send pics every day while she watches Bella and her pups for me.I’m the Nice Best German Shepherd Dad Ever Vintage Shirt clingy one between me and my pup. If he’s too lazy to follow me unnecessarily to the kitchen I’ll call him to me because I miss him.
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Can o ask how old your GSD is ours is a rescue and they told us he was about a year and a half and yours look like his clone exact same body portions and face? We are curious about when ours will start to “ fill “ out which makes us think he may be younger due to his “ sleenky “ body. He’s all legs and ears despite a healthy appetite and clean vet check! Bella just turned 2 years old at the end of October. And yeah, I’m not sure when they fill out but I know they’re usually leaner dogs. Bella just had pups too Nice Best German Shepherd Dad Ever Vintage Shirt but even when she was pregnant you couldn’t tell because she looked largely the same that she does now.
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Awww congrats Bella! I bet they are adorable. Sounds like GS at just little bean poles until they get older then. Better on the joints so not a bad thing I suppose, glad to hear he’s in the normal then. They really are. They’re very plump and learning how to walk rn so they’re exploring and yeah, a good rule of thumb is that if you’re petting them and you feel their ribs but don’t see them, they’re perfectly healthy weight-wise. While she’s nursing I’ve her food all the time and she’s got the Nice Best German Shepherd Dad Ever Vintage Shirt biggest appetite but doesn’t gain any weight and you’re perfectly welcome.
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