Haven’t Nice BBQ Beer Freedom 2020 Shirt watched the movie since that one time so I don’t remember if anything in the film makes my theory impossible. Those are respectively the best of their trilogy and the worst for me. It’s worth noting that JJ Abrams didn’t write or direct Beyond, he only produced it. Simon co-wrote the script, and Justin Lin directed it. I think they explained it in the tie in comic. You wouldn’t want Khan running around looking like Khan. Someone might say “Why does that guy look like one of Earth’s old dictators?”
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I was more Nice BBQ Beer Freedom 2020 Shirt annoyed by the fact the when he admitted who he was, they never heard of him. Wouldn’t they know that from history class? Or do Federation schools only start history from First Contact day? states warp is a multiple of the speed of light (one of the newer shows states it as a power of the speed of light which doesn’t really fix this rather makes it less egregious) the nearest star to us is in the alpha system which is 4.25 light years away. That’s approximately 6 months away at warp 9 as defined it. In reality at 9 times the speed of light there are only about 9 stars within a years travel. Assuming it takes just as long to get back as to journey forth, that only puts 53 total stars within a 5 year mission.