Thank you. Somehow, we all became a family throughout this. I first down the notes for the others’ stories when we were held captive by Alec using the materials he allowed me. In the time since they have all encouraged me to finally write that book and I thought… jotted that better subject to write about than the people who Nice Amerisaurus Rex Happy Independence Day Shirt matter most to me in this world? It’s not a real book by any means, but it works for me. I can assure you that none of us saw this coming, either – not just Alec’s imprisonment, but the fact that the others would want to stay. As I unlocked the classroom covered in Alec’s blood, I remember this overwhelming feeling of dread coming over me.
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The realization that I’d likely never see these people I’d grown so close too ever again. I opened the door fully expecting them to just scatter. Exactly – Alec promised a cure, a lie to get us to attend… but we ended up with a “cure” nonetheless. Poor Don, indeed… we honor him the best we can, keeping him in the light forevermore. On a Nice Amerisaurus Rex Happy Independence Day Shirt lighter note, you guys seem to be the best accommodated for the COVID-19 lockdown situations coming up nowadays. But really, I’m very happy for you and every other participant. Take care. I did notice this… there has been virtually no change for us, though we generally don’t go into town at all these days to protect Edie. We have a garden here anyway, so we don’t need groceries often. We were already ordering most things online.
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I think the only thing we still leave for these days is Tegen’s cigarettes, which she’ll buy in bulk. I felt the same way about him.I’m glad that you’re all happy now. Even Don who is now forever surrounded by love, light, and warmth. This shouldn’t have happened but maybe it was your destiny? A unique connection that got built within your group, a connection that almost nobody gets. Don is our light that never goes out. We miss him every day but feel his presence in the glow of the Nice Amerisaurus Rex Happy Independence Day Shirt lamp. we have built a connection that I never thought possible, especially considering how isolated we had all become. We really are happy here, thank you so much.
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