Well Ja highlights hit the front page every day – the ranking took player highlights as representative of the team – but I have no idea how it’s possible that any team is talked about less than the Hornets. That’s about right. The subreddit is incredibly all over the place, mainly in part due to the fact that we had expectations coming into this season. (Something we haven’t had in a while). If we lose its “Fire everyone, blow it up, fuck the team” and if we win it’s “Playoff-bound! Championship incoming!”. It’s… exhausting to say the least. A lot of us are incredibly jaded since we have been so bad for so long. I personally have had trouble even turning the My 35th birthday the one where I was quarantined 2020 mask vintage shirt games on since it’s not fun to watch.
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Before you traded Shump, you were one of my favorite teams to watch last season. Just boundless energy all over the place and you were fucking lethal in transition. It’s a My 35th birthday the one where I was quarantined 2020 mask vintage shirt shame Walton hasn’t been able to capture the same magic. BTW I think the anger of the sub was just bad timing due to the Redick game-winner yesterday. It also explains how giddy the Pelicans sub was, lol. I think most of us agree that the team is a good bit better than we expected and that largely has to do with Devonte’ Graham. We’ve talked plenty about Devonte’ this season, as one of the front-runners for MIP, so I won’t detail him much.
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Rozier has been extremely polarizing. There is no consensus on our sub about him, but I think most of us believe that he’s exceeded expectations by simply not being a My 35th birthday the one where I was quarantined 2020 mask vintage shirt team cancer on the court. There are really three groups of people on our sub- 1) those who love Rozier and ignore the negatives, 2) those who believe his positives and negatives make him a net neutral to a slightly positive player on the court, and 3) those who still believe he’s an absolute negative and that Monk should be starting over him. Perfect description of Rozier….dudes a scorer, not a PG. Cannot run an offense