It’s possible the second-hand shop has a camera and caught your daughter buying the purse as well, with all her excitement. That way it’s less of a chance they think it’s a purse mommy used to party with and forgot about. (Not that I’m saying that’s what happened). You should most definitely contact them for the video ASAP, go in person if possible and bring a flash drive. IANAL but surveillance video retention varies wildly from place to place depending on the type of system, DVR size, quality of the video, and the settings applied. For an Its A Leather Worker Thing You Wouldnt American Flag Veteran Independence Day Shirt store like the one you described, it’s likely they won’t retain video for a long time.
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Go down and ask for a manager, explain what happened, and hope they allow you to Its A Leather Worker Thing You Wouldnt American Flag Veteran Independence Day Shirt take a copy on the flash drive you brought with you. Some stores will require a subpoena if it’s a request that’s not from law enforcement (not sure if this is a mom and pop shop or corporate type store). If they refuse and you don’t have a lawyer, you might want to speak to the cops and/or caseworkers handling this matter to see if they would get a copy, just so it doesn’t get overwritten (otherwise, I wouldn’t advise talking to the cops too much without a lawyer). If not, your attorney can subpoena the video. In addition to the receipt you have, the video would go a long way to show you bought the purse for your daughter and not for yourself.
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Good luck, that’s certainly a scary situation to be in. It may not be worth much, but it’s worth something, and every little could help. If you’ve got a receipt for a logical price for the purse, footage of the daughter buying something that looks like it’s probably some kind of purse, and an employee who says they remember the kid buying a purse that matches the description, that adds up to a pretty solid backing for the OP’s story. And in OP’s situation, I’d rather do it myself than hope the police get around to Its A Leather Worker Thing You Wouldnt American Flag Veteran Independence Day Shirt it before the employee forgets the whole thing. Did you get a receipt from the police, and keep a photo of the receipt?
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