I assume he was a ghost of some kind because he had unfinished business and after he finished it he was gone. Although I go wondered why you could touch him. My theory is that he was barely alive the whole time, the bugs acted as some sort of surrogate organs keeping things in check. The scorpion probably acted as his heart. A beautiful symbol of the boy’s venomous desire for revenge. And of his physical state – an outer shell. That’s why he left when the scorpion died. This I’m Not The Step Dad I’m Just The Dad That Stepped Up Father’s Day Shirt was wonderful, thank you. I’m curious why Rex could perceive Zach like the main character though…was he also a former victim of the Past?
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A small difference in the end but, there doesn’t seem mention of anything sexual. Unless beating and murdering are what he gets off on. Either way good thing he was stopped but he deserves worse than jail. When Zach went to the pastor I thought he had important information on the missing kids for him, well I guess he did. This story was amazing. This was wonderful, thank you. I’m curious why Rex could perceive Zach like the main character though…was he also a former victim of the Past? If the guy had Finnish heritage, perhaps rituals related to näkki (nøkken) would help? As a kid, I was taught to toss a stone I’m Not The Step Dad I’m Just The Dad That Stepped Up Father’s Day Shirt in the lake to threaten water entities, or to bribe them with bread pieces.
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Female empowerment, Kate! Bargaining with nonhumans is stupid. Where I am from, Indonesia, we have multiple folklores and spirits to appease- both in the city and the deep jungle/untouched land. I have heard so many stories of people ‘trapping’ spirits who reside in banana or bamboo trees (mostly Kuntilanak- female malicious spirits who died from giving birth), with a needle and red thread, like their own pets. These people I’m Not The Step Dad I’m Just The Dad That Stepped Up Father’s Day Shirt bargain for mostly wealth ( numbers, anyone?) and ended up dead when Kuntilanaks were somehow accidentally set free by other people.
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