I’ve watched someone fall down the Official Premium Love One Another Shirt rabbit hole he’s an old coworker and he never had any of these ideas then all of a sudden corona happened and suddenly now he’s gone crazy thinking vaccines are population control he’s been posting stuff that sounds like the ravings of the English defence league. He’s one of those closeted racists who try to pretend they aren’t but they really are. I’m only still friends with him on Facebook just for a laugh when I see a stupid posts he puts about conspiracies. Honestly tho. My parents do the exact same. I am unbiased to anything but.
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I don’t listen to this crock of shit because there’s no facts. No evidence. Just a conspiracy that’s backed up with coincidences. Ironically, they are all sending this meme from their windows-based computers. Bill is a saint, he’s done so much for humanity, he doesn’t deserve to be dragged into this conspiracy mess by some ungrateful idiots who’s life got so Official Premium Love One Another Shirt comfortable they trying to compose some “problems” so their life won’t be so boring. I might believe them if they had studied it and proved it scientifically. They, however, are not. Nobody has ever proved it. Therefore, croc of shit.
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