In Thomas Funny It Was Me I Let The Dogs Out Dog Lover Present Shirt Friedman’s The World is Flat. He discusses how the advancement of technology is making our world “flatter”. Friedman is not opposed to this change and is in fact impressed with the new era we have entered into. As well as the positive aspects of technology. On the other hand, Wendell Berry’s Why I am Not Going to. Buy a Computer shows the other side of technology. And would not agree with many of the points Friedman brought up. Berry suggests that computers are not necessary and demonstrates the negative aspects of technology. According to Berry technology, family, and community relationships are going to be replaced with technology
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Although both Berry Funny It Was Me I Let The Dogs Out Dog Lover Present Shirts and Friedman made valid points, Berry’s argument looks at the negative. Berry does not think that what computers can do is impressive. And does not see why people believe that. But what Berry does not realize is that in this day and age our world relies on technology for everything, and it really is impressive. I, for example, use technology every day whether it’s for navigation, calling my family, or even checking my credit card balance. We cannot slow down this rapid advancement, and we also cannot avoid it, it is inevitable and is changing the world. Although Berry does not want or need technology it is, in fact, beneficial and is increasing interaction between countries as well as advancing human society.
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