Wow. I’ve heard about things like this before. I believe there was a spat of incidents similar to this in the Dunwich, MA back in the 1920s. Some newspapers covered the incidents superficially but I imagine there are better sources of information out there. Where do you live that dissecting fetal pigs is normal in schools? Where I live, it’s always fully grown rats that we dissect, and they’re always drained of all blood and filled with chemicals so it’s not as gross.idk man I’m still kinda curious about how that Lovecraftian bacon taste like Funny Fishing I Love It When She Tugs On My Worm and Swallows Shirt
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The feral pigs are also drained of blood and filled with chemicals. I don’t know how the school decides which to do, but they’re probably isn’t much material difference between rats or pigs or whatever. I don’t know if it’s that common; we only did it in the IB biology class. You couldn’t get out of it because it was a private Catholic school and since the Church doesn’t have any ethical issues with it, we shouldn’t either. Holy shit. I don’t know where I expected this to go, but I didn’t think… Jesus CHRIST. What a Funny Fishing I Love It When She Tugs On My Worm and Swallows Shirt horror.
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Hey, Chris cool stuff, I’ve worked in farms, with much Funny Fishing I Love It When She Tugs On My Worm and Swallows Shirt animals, among them pigs, and I’ve slaughtered some (we made Italian sausages :D). It is a good piece, you have portrayed everything very well. This started out as that Bob’s Burger episode where Tina has nightmares about the baby pig she dissected, then turned into stranger things and honestly was amazing the whole time. And I thought dissecting a pigeon was bad enough… damn…congrats you have made me go off and almost throw up 3 time
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