Eddie Van Halen begs Cute I Just Want To Go Camping And Forget Everything Bear Drink Beer Vintage Shirt to differ. I suck big, veiny corporate cock” – mother’s husband. No no smoking doesn’t kill, it’s fine. It’s cancer that kills you. Mike “watt in the butt” Pence is allowed to change his opinion on matters– especially from 19 years ago. I know he won’t read the science behind it so if there’s a new version of the bible that writes smoking being bad, he’ll probably have a difference of opinions. Let’s not circle jerk around this disparaging post, thank you. That was the line the right was towing at the time. Big tobacco was investing heavily into conservative politicians the same way big oil is doing now.
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He looks like a Cute I Just Want To Go Camping And Forget Everything Bear Drink Beer Vintage Shirts cancer. Facts but where is humor. I’d do anything to quit smoking easier rn, chest pains, heart palpitations, morning cough, and now morning nausea. Not bad for me eh? Heck, I’d love to go to rehab for smoking right about now. Thoughts and Prayers Pence. Please vote this so-called Christian out. Conservative head up your ass Capitalism > your health and children’s future. Just pray your problems away or work hard. Just wait for the GOP platform of hard work will set you free. Another moron. Science is good Republicans.
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